Current Grants Home Research Current Grants Extramural Funding The blend of innovative translational research and high-end clinical activities generates unparalleled opportunities for CTVR as a top destination for self-renewable, truly translational vision research. Our extramural funding has been one of the keys to continuing further growth to maintain our momentum to develop one of the top research institutions in the world dedicated to vision research and ophthalmology. Browne BrightFocus Foundation Functional imaging of the human retina using two-photon ophthalmoscopy Kefalov NIH/R01 Opsin signaling in mammalian rod photoreceptors Kefalov Retina Foundation Understanding how the G90D and G90V rhodopsin mutations cause blindness Kern NIH/R01 Neutrophil elastase and Gasdermin D in diabetic retinopathy Palczewski & Du NIH, F30, MicroRNA-204 and microRNA-211 regulation of RPE phagocytosis Palczewski & Hong NIH/F30 Formation of Retinyl-Opsins by Retinyl Formate as Molecular Shades Ediriwickrema NIH/KL2 The UC Irvine Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) NIH funded faculty career development KL2 award Palczewski & Du NIH, F30, MicroRNA-204 and microRNA-211 regulation of RPE phagocytosis Palczewski & Hong NIH/F30 Formation of Retinyl-Opsins by Retinyl Formate as Molecular Shades Ediriwickrema NIH/LRP NIH Loan Repayment Program Recipient Palczewski & Du NIH, F30, MicroRNA-204 and microRNA-211 regulation of RPE phagocytosis Palczewski & Hong NIH/F30 Formation of Retinyl-Opsins by Retinyl Formate as Molecular Shades Palczewski Research to Prevent Blindness Stein Innovation Award Palczewski NIH/R01 Retinoids in Vision Palczewski NIH/R01 The complex role of phosphodiesterase 6 in rod photoreceptor health and function Palczewski & Engfer NIH, F31, Recapitulation of the two-cell visual cycle in photoreceptors and its effects on retinoid flux and remedy of toxic retinoid species Palczewski & Kiser NIH, T32 Visual Sciences Training Program Kern NIH, DOHENY EYE INSTITUTE Role of Retinal Capillary Stiffness in Diabetic Retinopathy Skowronska-Krawczyk Bright Focus Foundation Role of Elovl2 in age-related changes in the eye Kefalov NIH, R01 Calcium Homeostasis in mammalian rod and cone photoreceptors Skowronska-Krawczyk Edward N. and Della L. Thome Memorial Foundation Award Aging, lipid metabolism and vision Skowronska-Krawczyk NIH, R01 Molecular mechanisms of glaucoma