Seminars and Colloquiums Home Education Seminars and Colloquiums Join the Discussion The Center for Translational Vision Research pioneered a number of virtual ophthalmology Research Seminars and a Distinguished Speaker Series. We continue to be the leading platform for research and clinical discussion worldwide. The CTVR is also a host of Women in Vision events and other Seminars and Colloquiums. Join us at our next event! 2025 Symposium - Breaking Barriers: Trailblazing Innovations in Medical Research. Join us for an incredible Symposium on Friday, September 19, 2025. We are honored to organize this one-day event that aims to investigate into the forefront of modern medical research and explore groundbreaking innovations. Our symposium will feature leading scientists nationwide, who will share their insights on opening new frontiers in medical research. Additionally, we are planning to host power meetings with prominent researchers, providing a platform for collaboration and exchange of ideas. Learn More Distinguished Speaker Series Every Friday, 8:30 am-10:00 am, during the Academic year, CTVR hosts worldwide research seminars on groundbreaking research on topics ranging from ophthalmology, genetics, biochemistry, neurobiology, imaging and computational sciences to novel ophthalmic treatments. Learn More about Friday Seminars Women in Vision Research The CTVR Committee of Women in Vision Research (CTVR WVR) collects and disseminates data and information on the education and employment of women scientists and health care professionals, and identifies ways to increase the participation and advancement of women in all fields of science and medicine. Learn More about upcoming Events Colloquiums The Retinal Imaging Colloquium is designed to encourage an atmosphere of collaboration in physics, chemistry, engineering and retinal imaging between various specialists in the United States and internationally. It is a forum to discuss the latest topics and advances in ophthalmology. Learn more about Retinal Imaging Colloquium Bench to Bedside This free, one-day symposium focuses on exciting advances in translational research. The event brings together all those who are interested in applying state-of-the-art methodologies to human diseases – from undergraduate students to full-time professors and experts in private industry. Learn More about Bench to Bedside