Aug 29, 2023 | UCI School of Medicine
UC Irvine researchers discover a nanobody which may lead to treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa
A special antibody derived from llamas — called a nanobody — can stop the misfolding and the activation of Rhodopsin, a molecule whose mutations can lead to blindness.
Jul 05, 2023 | Center for Translational Vision Research
Distinguished Senior Faculty Award for Research
The Academic Senate has selected Dr. Palczewski to receive the 2023-2024 Distinguished Senior Faculty Award for Research. Dr. Palczewski's compelling and groundbreaking work in advancing our understanding of the retina, especially with respect to phototransduction in the retina, has brought great credit to the university. Congratulations!
Jul 04, 2023 | Center for Translational Vision Research
CTVR New Faculty Member
We are excited to announce that Dr. Ng is joining our Center for Translational Vision Research! Dr. Ng accepted a position at the UCI Department of Cognitive Science starting January 2024. We are looking forward to collaboration on several upcoming projects, welcome Dr. Ng!
Jun 08, 2023 | Center for Translational Vision Research
Marco Bassetto, Ph.D. receives IRRF 2023 Postdoctoral Scholar Awards
The International Retinal Research Foundation (IRRF) selected Dr. Bassetto to be the Charles D. Kelman, MD Scholar. The IRRF committed funds to support Dr. Bassetto's project "Pharmacological treatment for maculopathies based on oral administration of new visual cycle modulator". Congratulations, Marco!
Cezary Rydz, M.D. receipient of Glaucoma Research Foundation’s Shaffer Grant
Glaucoma Research Foundation awarded Dr. Rydz to support his research approaches to prevent the impact of high eye pressure on healthy retinal neurons. Dr. Rydz aims to address gaps in the current state of knowledge and to uncover molecular mechanisms behind the pathogenesis of the disease and the relationship of its biggest risk factors – elevated IOP and age. Congratulations, Cezary!
May 08, 2023 | Center for Translational Vision Research
UCI Beall Applied Innovation’s Proof-of-Product Grant
Dr. Kris Palczewski and Jennings Luu, MD/PhD student, are the recipients of the 2023 Round 9 UCI Beall Applied Innovation’s Proof-of-Product Grant. To measurably improve lives through access to UCI-developed knowledge, UCI Beall Applied Innovation’s Proof of Product (PoP) Grants program identifies Principal Investigators (PIs) with early-stage research projects having significant potential for being brought to market as a product or service; that is, for commercialization and provides them up to financial award towards this goal.
The Dr. Lorna Carlin Excellence in Research Award
Samuel Du, MD/PhD student in Dr. Palczewski's lab at CTVR has been selected as a recipient of a 2022 Dr. Lorna Carlin Excellence in Research Award for his promising translational scholarship. He is being awarded this honorable mention prize in recognition of his research, as determined by the selection committee. The award goes towards research support, professional development and a stipend bonus. Congratulations, Sam!
May 07, 2023 | Center for Translational Vision Research
Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. Awards
CTVR Postdoctoral Student Rafal Holubowicz, PhD, Project Scientists Aleksander Twordak, PhD, and Dominik Lewandowski, PhD are the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. awards recipients! The Foundation has grown to $162 million while expending $168 million on research, education, and patient care. The Foundation is continuing to invest into more research and the improvement of the quality of eye care not only here in the United States but around the world.
Jan 23, 2023
Grabbing the Golden Goose
Tibor Juhasz honored for discovery that led to laser eye surgery
Nov 29, 2022 | Center for Translational Vision Research
2022-2023 Public Impact Distinguished Fellowship
Samuel Du, MD/PhD student in Dr. Palczewski's lab was named 2022-2023 Public Impact Distinguished Fellowship Winner! Public Impact Fellowships highlight and support doctoral or MFA students whose current research has the potential for substantial impact in the public sphere. Ideal candidates will be involved in research designed to significantly improve or enrich the lives of Californians and/or national and global communities.