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New Publication from a CTVR Alum

Posted: 2022-10-24

Source: American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports
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Urmi Mehta, a former medical student in the CTVR Lab under Dr. Browne mentorship has published a first author publication, "Seeing invisible light: 2-photon microperimetry to measure visual function," in the American Journal of Ophthalmology in collaboration with her former CTVR mentors.

Urmi is currently a resident- Class of 2026, in St. John's Episcopal Hospital in NY. CTVR is proud to congratulate Urmi and wishes her continuous success in her medical and research careers!

Grazyna Palczewska, PhD
Grazyna Palczewska, PhD

Project Scientist, Center for Translational Vision Research & Gavin Herbert Eye Institute